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Elderberry Gummies

Elderberry Gummies

Regular price $24.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.50 USD
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Packed with immune boosting nutrients, including Vitamin C, Zinc and Elderberry, this gummy is a popular way to get antioxidants and build up a potential defense against viral attacks on our bodies that often occur during peak cold and flu season.Ā 

Ingredients: Glucose Syrup, Sugar, Isomalt, Glucose, Pectin, Citric Acid, Artificial Elderberry Flavor, Vegetable Oil (contains Carnauba Wax)

Ingredients country of origin: USA

Manufacturer Country: USA

Amount: 60 gummies

Bruto weight: 150 g (0.33 lb)

Usage: As a dietary supplement, take two (2) gummies once a day.

Warning: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing women, children under 18, and individuals with known medical conditions should consult their physician prior to taking.

The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Ā 

Antibiotic-free Gluten-free Non-GMO Vegetarian Vegan friendly


Packed with immune-boosting nutrients, including Vitamin C, Zinc, and Elderberry, this gummy is a popular way to receive antioxidants and boost overall health.

  • Immune boosting
  • Joints and bone health
  • Overall health
Science FactsĀ 

Elderberry for Respiratory Health
Elderberry may be a safe option for treating viral respiratory illness, and there is no evidence that it overstimulates the immune system.

Elderberry for Respiratory Health
Elderberry supplementation reduces upper respiratory symptoms, providing an alternative to antibiotics and potentially safer option for common cold and influenza cases.

Vitamin C and Immunity
Vitamin C aids the immune system by supporting the cellular functions of both the natural and acquired immune systems.

Zinc for Respiratory Health
Available evidence suggests that supplementing with zinc and improving zinc levels can help prevent pneumonia and its complications. This is thought to be due to zinc's anti-inflammatory properties.

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